
Giornata di studio in memoria di Baldassare Bacchi

A cura di: RANZI Roberto Sfoglia la rubrica E’ stata organizzata una Giornata di Studio in memoria del prof. Baldassare Bacchi, già Direttore del DICATAM. La Giornata di Studio, molto partecipata, ha avuto momenti di carattere prevalentemente tecnico-scientifico ed una tavola rotonda sul tema “Prospettive per la difesa idraulica dei territori antropizzati” che ha coinvolto

Giornata di studio in memoria di Baldassare Bacchi Leggi tutto »

Characterization of defects effect on fatigue life of materials for hybrid bearings

A cura di: MAZZU’ Angelo Sfoglia la rubrica The project general aim was to study fatigue on materials for innovative bearings, made by steel raceways and ceramic rolling elements, for application to aircraft engines. The activity was focused on testing different couples of materials for hybrid bearings (steel vs. steel, ceramic vs. steel) for investigating

Characterization of defects effect on fatigue life of materials for hybrid bearings Leggi tutto »

Development and application of vision system for Rolling contact fatigue tests

A cura di: BODINI Ileana MAZZU’ Angelo Sfoglia la rubrica The objects of the research are: 1) To develop a vision system to be applied at the testing facilities available at the NSSMC (Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation – Japan), aimed at monitoring rolling contact fatigue tests. A similar system was developed for the test bench

Development and application of vision system for Rolling contact fatigue tests Leggi tutto »

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